1953 rank

37,179,379 points

13,153 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Wacko 65    Fellowship of Celts
Arvahall 3568 Wacko 65 Fellowship of Celts 67,050,176 19,562
Wacko 65    Dont Panic
Sinerania 1953 Wacko 65 Dont Panic 37,179,379 13,153
Wacko 65    Forge of Destiny
Cirgard 4586 Wacko 65 Forge of Destiny 28,691,026 11,442
Wacko 65    Play 4 Fun
Noarsil 4176 Wacko 65 Play 4 Fun 28,246,476 12,636