2655 rank

20,599,275 points

11,784 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Freddie the bounder   
Brisgard 1427 Freddie the bounder 253,927,819 57,501
Freddie the bounder   
Fel Dranghyr 1959 Freddie the bounder 148,213,385 39,268
Freddie the bounder   
Korch 2881 Freddie the bounder 65,551,269 26,386
Freddie the bounder   
Rugnir 2907 Freddie the bounder 25,279,535 15,503
Freddie the bounder   
Dinegu 5081 Freddie the bounder 20,969,690 9,815
Freddie the bounder   
Sinerania 2655 Freddie the bounder 20,599,275 11,784
Freddie the bounder   
Odhrorvar 4497 Freddie the bounder 18,754,277 10,159
Freddie the bounder   
Noarsil 5770 Freddie the bounder 10,740,137 7,672
Freddie the bounder   
Mount Killmore 6083 Freddie the bounder 10,426,990 7,170
Freddie the bounder   
East-Nagach 6774 Freddie the bounder 8,656,197 5,548
Freddie the bounder   
Jaims 6625 Freddie the bounder 7,413,245 4,532
Freddie the bounder   
Greifental 7648 Freddie the bounder 4,669,348 4,598
Freddie the bounder   
Parkog 5084 Freddie the bounder 3,909,173 2,848
Freddie the bounder   
Tuulech 3346 Freddie the bounder 2,694,236 2,784
Freddie the bounder   
Arvahall 14677 Freddie the bounder 557,952 368