14370 rank

23,718 points

36 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ladyofthelake.    coffee break
Uceria 816 ladyofthelake. coffee break 35,417,045 23,618
ladyofthelake.    alpha omega
Noarsil 7551 ladyofthelake. alpha omega 3,592,939 3,816
ladyofthelake.    sleepless giants
Langendorn 7586 ladyofthelake. sleepless giants 2,969,231 6,062
ladyofthelake.    The Cat Herders
Brisgard 9954 ladyofthelake. The Cat Herders 2,351,395 1,883
ladyofthelake.    LazyBoy
Cirgard 11864 ladyofthelake. LazyBoy 757,007 1,120
ladyofthelake.    forge respite
Arvahall 14395 ladyofthelake. forge respite 618,600 1,060
ladyofthelake.    riter
Dinegu 12969 ladyofthelake. riter 358,330 399
Sinerania 14370 ladyofthelake. 23,718 36