5091 rank

3,154,388 points

971 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sooz    Diamonds & Farmers
Dinegu 2084 Sooz Diamonds & Farmers 128,097,984 8,578
Sooz    The Magic Monkey
Arvahall 3201 Sooz The Magic Monkey 73,449,568 5,710
Sooz    Casual Player
Cirgard 3775 Sooz Casual Player 41,174,529 3,765
Sooz    Dynamite
Greifental 3896 Sooz Dynamite 36,449,610 3,832
Sooz    Relax & Enjoy
Houndsmoor 5262 Sooz Relax & Enjoy 21,818,717 2,742
Sooz    Friends4Fun
Jaims 4562 Sooz Friends4Fun 20,688,144 2,709
Sooz    Stargate SG1
Korch 4945 Sooz Stargate SG1 16,757,615 2,416
Sooz    lord of the rings
East-Nagach 5405 Sooz lord of the rings 15,818,093 2,539
Sooz    Veterans League
Noarsil 5795 Sooz Veterans League 10,027,536 1,788
Sooz    La Cosa Nostra
Odhrorvar 5506 Sooz La Cosa Nostra 9,799,409 1,438
Mount Killmore 7335 Sooz DARK SIDE 5,162,219 1,203
Sooz    This World Guild
Uceria 2353 Sooz This World Guild 4,424,878 988
Sooz    The Maple Leaf
Parkog 4832 Sooz The Maple Leaf 4,319,865 1,142
Sooz    StormWolves
Rugnir 5311 Sooz StormWolves 3,946,221 1,033
Sooz    😊 Happy Guild 😊
Langendorn 7512 Sooz 😊 Happy Guild 😊 3,159,187 853
Sooz    quietly playing
Sinerania 5091 Sooz quietly playing 3,154,388 971