2464 rank

6,382,294 points

8,482 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Stan the Moose    House of Pain
Jaims 67 Stan the Moose House of Pain 2,252,913,633 626,341
Stan the Moose    eu si cu mine
Arvahall 2409 Stan the Moose eu si cu mine 118,020,131 69,299
Stan the Moose    Storm Force 9
Dinegu 2778 Stan the Moose Storm Force 9 80,978,968 56,070
Stan the Moose    eu wi cu mine
Mount Killmore 2571 Stan the Moose eu wi cu mine 72,148,864 59,074
Stan the Moose    🔥Power of Dragons🔥
Houndsmoor 3967 Stan the Moose 🔥Power of Dragons🔥 43,972,856 25,637
Stan the Moose    The Hawks
Greifental 4474 Stan the Moose The Hawks 25,653,740 21,551
Stan the Moose    Stu'sOutcast Bunnies
Tuulech 2464 Stan the Moose Stu'sOutcast Bunnies 6,382,294 8,482