3096 rank

3,634,279 points

6,476 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
7-of-9    Pandoras gift
Greifental 5578 7-of-9 Pandoras gift 14,562,721 24,453
7-of-9    Joyous Guild
East-Nagach 6034 7-of-9 Joyous Guild 12,556,269 24,884
7-of-9    THE NOBLE WUNZ
Cirgard 6619 7-of-9 THE NOBLE WUNZ 10,328,649 15,099
7-of-9    Guild of Mistresses
Sinerania 3844 7-of-9 Guild of Mistresses 8,585,186 15,073
7-of-9    nop
Houndsmoor 7305 7-of-9 nop 8,230,763 16,765
7-of-9    Aurelius
Fel Dranghyr 7073 7-of-9 Aurelius 6,489,203 13,433
7-of-9    nop
Tuulech 3096 7-of-9 nop 3,634,279 6,476
7-of-9    nop
Jaims 7838 7-of-9 nop 3,561,855 6,857
7-of-9    0x4E71
Brisgard 9426 7-of-9 0x4E71 3,310,855 7,543