70 rank

607,826,519 points

127,972 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
BattleBorn Dave    Wild Ubuntu
Tuulech 70 BattleBorn Dave Wild Ubuntu 607,826,519 127,972
BattleBorn Dave    Effectively Wild
Mount Killmore 867 BattleBorn Dave Effectively Wild 337,607,222 71,546
BattleBorn Dave    Storm Force 9
Dinegu 3788 BattleBorn Dave Storm Force 9 42,121,990 77,010
BattleBorn Dave    Effectively Wild
East-Nagach 5912 BattleBorn Dave Effectively Wild 12,309,485 9,186
BattleBorn Dave    The Sixth
Sinerania 3264 BattleBorn Dave The Sixth 11,788,447 16,880
BattleBorn Dave    Havre-des-Iles
Arvahall 7953 BattleBorn Dave Havre-des-Iles 8,836,770 9,391
BattleBorn Dave    Rogue Legion
Brisgard 8310 BattleBorn Dave Rogue Legion 5,597,119 8,145
BattleBorn Dave    Friendly Folk
Cirgard 7906 BattleBorn Dave Friendly Folk 5,228,640 6,079
BattleBorn Dave    The Mutineers 🏴‍☠️
Fel Dranghyr 7794 BattleBorn Dave The Mutineers 🏴‍☠️ 4,112,460 4,575
BattleBorn Dave    Silent Ones
Greifental 8505 BattleBorn Dave Silent Ones 2,597,141 3,326
BattleBorn Dave    Effectively Wild
Uceria 3032 BattleBorn Dave Effectively Wild 1,716,146 1,751
BattleBorn Dave    St-Tabarnak
Houndsmoor 10178 BattleBorn Dave St-Tabarnak 1,541,892 2,531
BattleBorn Dave    Effectively Wild
Rugnir 10978 BattleBorn Dave Effectively Wild 150,701 329