4384 rank

1,071,204 points

1,470 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Phaxxion    Wickstars
East-Nagach 7966 Phaxxion Wickstars 4,579,136 2,539
Phaxxion    Town Moor
Jaims 8507 Phaxxion Town Moor 2,371,264 1,592
Phaxxion    The Goods Store
Arvahall 11169 Phaxxion The Goods Store 2,351,867 1,686
Phaxxion    Steamed Buns
Uceria 3643 Phaxxion Steamed Buns 1,323,215 1,014
Phaxxion    𒆜Fabrica-de-Basme𒆜
Tuulech 4384 Phaxxion 𒆜Fabrica-de-Basme𒆜 1,071,204 1,470
Phaxxion    Once/Twice a weekers
Mount Killmore 11413 Phaxxion Once/Twice a weekers 741,053 866
Phaxxion    Yggdrasil
Noarsil 12412 Phaxxion Yggdrasil 282,429 253