6866 rank

106,669 points

219 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
San2 the Great    Just one
Rugnir 9153 San2 the Great Just one 371,095 492
San2 the Great   
Dinegu 13726 San2 the Great 287,968 426
San2 the Great    Howl's Castle
Arvahall 16807 San2 the Great Howl's Castle 283,036 426
San2 the Great    Mack
Houndsmoor 14522 San2 the Great Mack 264,960 441
San2 the Great    7th Cavalry Division
Brisgard 15660 San2 the Great 7th Cavalry Division 242,766 263
San2 the Great    herron of ford castl
Mount Killmore 14831 San2 the Great herron of ford castl 208,140 369
San2 the Great    Forest Forever
Fel Dranghyr 14644 San2 the Great Forest Forever 164,484 366
San2 the Great    Rain
Tuulech 6866 San2 the Great Rain 106,669 219
San2 the Great    Farmers Union
Parkog 11227 San2 the Great Farmers Union 100,389 268