6436 rank

197,972 points

195 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Athanasia the Hard 2227    Aussie
Arvahall 17311 Athanasia the Hard 2227 Aussie 224,669 139
Athanasia the Hard 2227    龙 ĐɌȺǤØNFLIES 龍
Tuulech 6436 Athanasia the Hard 2227 龙 ĐɌȺǤØNFLIES 龍 197,972 195
Athanasia the Hard 2227   
Houndsmoor 15556 Athanasia the Hard 2227 151,007 90
Athanasia the Hard 2227   
Sinerania 10717 Athanasia the Hard 2227 121,080 85
Athanasia the Hard 2227    purpleFeet
Mount Killmore 18742 Athanasia the Hard 2227 purpleFeet 40,152 51