5918 rank

370,106 points

297 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Germanicus Stilicho    Catatumbo
Jaims 10914 Germanicus Stilicho Catatumbo 709,439 390
Germanicus Stilicho    Aus
Arvahall 15756 Germanicus Stilicho Aus 400,407 202
Germanicus Stilicho    The Cat Empire
Houndsmoor 13379 Germanicus Stilicho The Cat Empire 384,434 281
Germanicus Stilicho    chill
Tuulech 5918 Germanicus Stilicho chill 370,106 297
Germanicus Stilicho    Roma Victrix
East-Nagach 12941 Germanicus Stilicho Roma Victrix 365,437 265
Germanicus Stilicho    Haven.
Parkog 8878 Germanicus Stilicho Haven. 356,280 314