2473 rank

6,155,791 points

1,800 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Asmodeous the brave    erboom
Tuulech 2473 Asmodeous the brave erboom 6,155,791 1,800
Asmodeous the brave    Drunkers
Odhrorvar 6811 Asmodeous the brave Drunkers 4,638,718 1,646
Asmodeous the brave    Solitary
Langendorn 7026 Asmodeous the brave Solitary 4,309,999 1,814
Asmodeous the brave    White Eagles
Jaims 7487 Asmodeous the brave White Eagles 4,266,863 1,892
Asmodeous the brave    We are One
Parkog 5090 Asmodeous the brave We are One 3,417,135 1,733
Asmodeous the brave    ESTONIA
Houndsmoor 8948 Asmodeous the brave ESTONIA 3,093,171 1,749
Asmodeous the brave    Captain Sparrow
Uceria 2848 Asmodeous the brave Captain Sparrow 2,107,406 1,343
Asmodeous the brave    Merry England
Sinerania 5824 Asmodeous the brave Merry England 1,778,171 1,227
Asmodeous the brave    All Newbies
Brisgard 10641 Asmodeous the brave All Newbies 1,696,331 1,799
Asmodeous the brave    1 for ALL..ALL for 1
Cirgard 10229 Asmodeous the brave 1 for ALL..ALL for 1 1,517,206 1,164
Asmodeous the brave    DarkSideOfTheMoon
Dinegu 10302 Asmodeous the brave DarkSideOfTheMoon 1,216,180 1,246
Asmodeous the brave    Honesttrade
Mount Killmore 12374 Asmodeous the brave Honesttrade 498,768 703