2835 rank

5,453,956 points

3,255 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Fomac    Frydenlund
Houndsmoor 5972 Fomac Frydenlund 16,680,402 6,729
Fomac    Scotland
Tuulech 2835 Fomac Scotland 5,453,956 3,255
Fomac    Immortalz Chill Zone
Fel Dranghyr 7551 Fomac Immortalz Chill Zone 5,086,124 2,716
Fomac    lord of the rings
East-Nagach 7858 Fomac lord of the rings 4,913,184 3,675
Fomac    FreedomFighters
Dinegu 8054 Fomac FreedomFighters 4,464,905 2,741
Jaims 8179 Fomac 2,934,307 2,176
Fomac    Sleeping Giants
Rugnir 6162 Fomac Sleeping Giants 2,376,610 2,098
Fomac    Nemesis 😎
Uceria 3118 Fomac Nemesis 😎 2,337,036 1,528
Fomac    Immortal Phoenix
Korch 11352 Fomac Immortal Phoenix 565,415 990