2352 rank

9,043,444 points

41,030 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
King Loki of Asgard    Nemesis 😎
Uceria 180 King Loki of Asgard Nemesis 😎 273,580,438 160,724
King Loki of Asgard   
Greifental 5850 King Loki of Asgard 12,833,803 17,296
King Loki of Asgard    Sons of Anarchy ⚔️
Sinerania 3589 King Loki of Asgard Sons of Anarchy ⚔️ 10,955,152 8,793
King Loki of Asgard    BROTHERS IN ARMS
Tuulech 2352 King Loki of Asgard BROTHERS IN ARMS 9,043,444 41,030