4791 rank

708,922 points

678 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
joemc    Sunshine
Cirgard 7808 joemc Sunshine 5,776,631 1,970
joemc    Kingdom of Jerusalem
Arvahall 9478 joemc Kingdom of Jerusalem 4,951,165 1,566
joemc    YNWA
Odhrorvar 7170 joemc YNWA 3,908,019 1,543
Rugnir 5610 joemc THE NEPHILIM 3,457,748 1,536
joemc    Sparten
Fel Dranghyr 8225 joemc Sparten 3,226,866 1,512
joemc    Great Expectations
Sinerania 6343 joemc Great Expectations 1,386,502 847
joemc    ☸️ ZEN ☯️
Uceria 3503 joemc ☸️ ZEN ☯️ 1,305,996 711
joemc    Handbagz
Jaims 10477 joemc Handbagz 836,242 737
joemc    Wolves of Killmore
Mount Killmore 11176 joemc Wolves of Killmore 798,891 712
joemc    outcasts4
Tuulech 4791 joemc outcasts4 708,922 678
joemc    Rorikstead
Dinegu 11917 joemc Rorikstead 580,432 502
joemc    0ffline 2
Korch 11247 joemc 0ffline 2 569,138 637
joemc    Rome
East-Nagach 12438 joemc Rome 434,125 492
joemc    Iron Guard Phoenix
Brisgard 14327 joemc Iron Guard Phoenix 372,613 398