Rank Name
1 Scimmia Uomo
1 Scimmia Uomo
2 Slajdarn
2 Slajdarn
3 Coddo01
3 Coddo01
4 shadow1984
4 shadow1984
5 The Hoarse Whisperer
5 The Hoarse Whisperer
6 mer01
6 mer01
7 VixenAU
7 VixenAU
8 Xpose
8 Xpose
9 Ran DMC
9 Ran DMC
10 Jahweh
10 Jahweh
11 Bloodandtears
11 Bloodandtears
12 Epitesz
12 Epitesz
13 Nikolai Tesla
13 Nikolai Tesla
14 Saxon2112
14 Saxon2112
15 Livianna
15 Livianna
16 chinwag
16 chinwag
17 IcyCore
17 IcyCore
18 Carlo66
18 Carlo66
19 Randar
19 Randar
20 qwertry1066
20 qwertry1066
21 Mr Zappa
21 Mr Zappa
22 Raydn
22 Raydn
23 Matt XXIII
23 Matt XXIII
24 Becketta
24 Becketta
25 newstarorion
25 newstarorion
26 White Death 1939
26 White Death 1939
27 Bronco Henry
27 Bronco Henry
28 RundownCoast
28 RundownCoast
29 Maximusscrotius
29 Maximusscrotius
30 Lucky Sailor
30 Lucky Sailor
31 qwerty v
31 qwerty v
32 pistolpete45
32 pistolpete45
33 BigNate the Bold
33 BigNate the Bold
34 Horse064
34 Horse064
35 Fafnir the Dragon
35 Fafnir the Dragon
36 Grypass
36 Grypass
37 Larron
37 Larron
38 Bardyr
38 Bardyr
39 MorozovGold
39 MorozovGold
40 CorvidaeBlack
40 CorvidaeBlack
41 Cliffsniff
41 Cliffsniff
42 Stardawg Rover
42 Stardawg Rover
43 ZadK
43 ZadK
44 andy1363
44 andy1363
45 shirali
45 shirali
46 koufalitsa
46 koufalitsa
47 Wake Up Jeff
47 Wake Up Jeff
48 Blackhand
48 Blackhand
49 GilgameshEidolon
49 GilgameshEidolon
50 Red Rackham
50 Red Rackham
51 Jevev
51 Jevev
52 MarineInferno
52 MarineInferno
53 Erik The Pillager
53 Erik The Pillager
54 Next Level
54 Next Level
55 Trecar
55 Trecar
56 LadyLynne
56 LadyLynne
57 mattmw1234
57 mattmw1234
58 Misk2.2.2
58 Misk2.2.2
59 .Tac.
59 .Tac.
60 Destroy Socialism
60 Destroy Socialism
61 The Great Penguin
61 The Great Penguin
62 Robert of the Two Hills
62 Robert of the Two Hills
63 hades8840
63 hades8840
64 Dominyon
64 Dominyon
65 Welsh Archer
65 Welsh Archer
66 Vail of tears
66 Vail of tears
67 glash
67 glash
68 *Drax*
68 *Drax*
69 Wildcatlady
69 Wildcatlady
70 duddyp
70 duddyp
71 Magnus the Terrible 306
71 Magnus the Terrible 306
72 Palm Hills
72 Palm Hills
73 RobbieWilliams
73 RobbieWilliams
74 .Wissel.
74 .Wissel.
75 aer.
75 aer.
76 iamdihan
76 iamdihan
77 Atillar
77 Atillar
78 Where Are you BARON
78 Where Are you BARON

activity index

- Inactive player.
- Only produced resources - farmer.
- At least one battle - fighter.

The activity index is calculated as the total number of all days for each player in the guild.