1243 rank

16,822,952 points

11,265 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Templar Grand Master    Knights Templar
Dinegu 102 Templar Grand Master Knights Templar 1,677,629,718 333,823
Templar Grand Master    Order of the Quest
Houndsmoor 773 Templar Grand Master Order of the Quest 492,526,677 67,805
Templar Grand Master    Order of the Quest
East-Nagach 1445 Templar Grand Master Order of the Quest 216,344,917 27,795
Templar Grand Master    Blood o the Avengers
Cirgard 4689 Templar Grand Master Blood o the Avengers 24,678,169 12,034
Templar Grand Master   
Uceria 1243 Templar Grand Master 16,822,952 11,265
Templar Grand Master    Canadian Proud
Mount Killmore 7219 Templar Grand Master Canadian Proud 5,458,926 4,766
Templar Grand Master   
Odhrorvar 8949 Templar Grand Master 1,320,630 1,995