5525 rank

243,399 points

167 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Auntie Bastard 1334    Mount Killmore
Mount Killmore 3101 Auntie Bastard 1334 Mount Killmore 55,601,903 10,111
Auntie Bastard 1334   
Noarsil 10994 Auntie Bastard 1334 536,377 494
Auntie Bastard 1334    The Freedom Guild
Uceria 5525 Auntie Bastard 1334 The Freedom Guild 243,399 167
Auntie Bastard 1334   
Arvahall 18330 Auntie Bastard 1334 148,697 88
Auntie Bastard 1334   
Greifental 15398 Auntie Bastard 1334 82,020 157