1331 rank

14,708,693 points

9,719 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Witty160    Global Falcons
Cirgard 3917 Witty160 Global Falcons 37,780,595 29,515
Witty160    The Cuckoo's Nest
Langendorn 3660 Witty160 The Cuckoo's Nest 31,926,948 20,809
Witty160    Desert Rats
East-Nagach 5199 Witty160 Desert Rats 17,190,644 12,104
Dinegu 5487 Witty160 15,610,080 11,636
Witty160    AREA 51
Uceria 1331 Witty160 AREA 51 14,708,693 9,719
Noarsil 5388 Witty160 12,512,033 8,535
Arvahall 9450 Witty160 SKINWALKERS 4,694,464 4,220
Witty160    DIABLO
Mount Killmore 7790 Witty160 DIABLO 4,032,109 5,326
Witty160    bunny
Tuulech 2981 Witty160 bunny 3,442,257 2,739
Witty160    Sleeper 2
Rugnir 6012 Witty160 Sleeper 2 2,300,949 2,818
Witty160    wolf men
Parkog 5687 Witty160 wolf men 2,170,163 3,564
Brisgard 10895 Witty160 1,512,996 2,656
Witty160    floppy
Sinerania 7253 Witty160 floppy 742,995 1,995
Witty160    broken arrow
Korch 10843 Witty160 broken arrow 697,004 1,917
Witty160    DIABLO
Fel Dranghyr 11682 Witty160 DIABLO 537,119 1,644
Houndsmoor 12704 Witty160 507,113 1,391
Witty160    DIABLO
Jaims 11860 Witty160 DIABLO 451,884 1,441
Witty160    BIGFOOT
Odhrorvar 13394 Witty160 BIGFOOT 145,395 561
Witty160    Desert Rats
Greifental 14395 Witty160 Desert Rats 140,124 799