2519 rank

3,349,339 points

1,771 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cob the complacent    The Just Pagans
Houndsmoor 6051 Cob the complacent The Just Pagans 14,466,309 3,563
Cob the complacent    Holding Pattern
Dinegu 8318 Cob the complacent Holding Pattern 3,571,773 1,646
Cob the complacent    Friendly Guild 2.0 ✅
Uceria 2519 Cob the complacent Friendly Guild 2.0 ✅ 3,349,339 1,771
Cob the complacent    Canadians 2.0
Korch 9409 Cob the complacent Canadians 2.0 1,399,891 1,044