8427 rank

27,969 points

43 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dido the Lion 1074    ~Groovy~
Tuulech 1359 Dido the Lion 1074 ~Groovy~ 22,857,293 55,910
Dido the Lion 1074    Big Friendly Guild
Odhrorvar 4604 Dido the Lion 1074 Big Friendly Guild 16,827,015 30,248
Dido the Lion 1074    Cymru Crew
Parkog 5422 Dido the Lion 1074 Cymru Crew 2,757,511 9,414
Dido the Lion 1074    O’solo’mio
Arvahall 20046 Dido the Lion 1074 O’solo’mio 76,649 270
Dido the Lion 1074    O’solo’mio
Brisgard 20947 Dido the Lion 1074 O’solo’mio 30,243 46
Dido the Lion 1074    O’solo’mio
Uceria 8427 Dido the Lion 1074 O’solo’mio 27,969 43