1409 rank

17,215,308 points

7,695 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Daphne the Merciful 1405    gold era
Uceria 1409 Daphne the Merciful 1405 gold era 17,215,308 7,695
Daphne the Merciful 1405    sk8
Parkog 3331 Daphne the Merciful 1405 sk8 14,245,697 6,440
Daphne the Merciful 1405    nsjsjsj
Fel Dranghyr 5619 Daphne the Merciful 1405 nsjsjsj 14,064,745 6,338
Daphne the Merciful 1405    lon
Brisgard 6912 Daphne the Merciful 1405 lon 11,096,404 5,395
Daphne the Merciful 1405    Asu
Arvahall 8063 Daphne the Merciful 1405 Asu 9,033,707 5,095