5468 rank

19,086,073 points

17,802 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Janie the Red   
Brisgard 5468 Janie the Red 19,086,073 17,802
Janie the Red   
Odhrorvar 4891 Janie the Red 13,468,904 11,598
Janie the Red    Harmonious
Arvahall 8850 Janie the Red Harmonious 6,043,132 5,270
Janie the Red    1234
Houndsmoor 10249 Janie the Red 1234 1,483,400 2,526
Janie the Red    Tranquility
Sinerania 7014 Janie the Red Tranquility 850,168 2,067
Janie the Red   
Uceria 7177 Janie the Red 47,408 150