6047 rank

14,822,425 points

4,273 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Zisil the end    Bumble
Fel Dranghyr 662 Zisil the end Bumble 555,035,486 79,380
Zisil the end   
Sinerania 2733 Zisil the end 17,490,096 4,239
Zisil the end    The Peaceful
Dinegu 5316 Zisil the end The Peaceful 17,287,753 5,053
Zisil the end   
Arvahall 6265 Zisil the end 16,927,170 5,519
Zisil the end    wife robbers
Greifental 5350 Zisil the end wife robbers 15,737,434 5,028
Zisil the end    SSK
Brisgard 6047 Zisil the end SSK 14,822,425 4,273
Zisil the end    OVERLORDS
Cirgard 5775 Zisil the end OVERLORDS 14,519,871 4,565
Zisil the end    A Guild Called Quest
East-Nagach 5586 Zisil the end A Guild Called Quest 14,359,104 4,342
Zisil the end    Free Bird's
Korch 5293 Zisil the end Free Bird's 13,711,185 3,919
Zisil the end    Bold and Brave
Mount Killmore 5389 Zisil the end Bold and Brave 13,610,689 3,342
Zisil the end    Avatars
Houndsmoor 6186 Zisil the end Avatars 13,488,348 4,176
Zisil the end    Tazmania
Langendorn 5082 Zisil the end Tazmania 13,351,640 3,600
Zisil the end    The Merchants Guild
Noarsil 5297 Zisil the end The Merchants Guild 13,233,163 3,539
Zisil the end    Suryavansham
Jaims 5477 Zisil the end Suryavansham 12,634,085 3,865
Zisil the end    Just have fun
Parkog 3373 Zisil the end Just have fun 12,430,603 3,402
Zisil the end    Templars
Odhrorvar 5094 Zisil the end Templars 12,333,079 3,243
Zisil the end    Army of ???
Rugnir 3830 Zisil the end Army of ??? 11,293,166 3,158
Zisil the end    Band Gumbles
Tuulech 2014 Zisil the end Band Gumbles 10,173,658 6,744
Zisil the end    ☸️ ZEN ☯️
Uceria 2849 Zisil the end ☸️ ZEN ☯️ 2,143,122 3,143