1472 rank

181,539,521 points

38,911 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ian of Echo    Keep Calm and Forge
Brisgard 1472 Ian of Echo Keep Calm and Forge 181,539,521 38,911
Ian of Echo    Eden's Finest
Korch 1912 Ian of Echo Eden's Finest 100,590,791 34,517
Ian of Echo   
Mount Killmore 2129 Ian of Echo 83,277,625 20,814
Ian of Echo   
Sinerania 1756 Ian of Echo 30,187,073 12,994
Ian of Echo    |~The Builders~| R
Rugnir 3771 Ian of Echo |~The Builders~| R 9,780,750 6,360
Ian of Echo   
Odhrorvar 7366 Ian of Echo 3,067,240 3,222