5214 rank

23,145,043 points

11,863 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Andrina the Peacemaker    The Sapphire Order
Brisgard 5214 Andrina the Peacemaker The Sapphire Order 23,145,043 11,863
Andrina the Peacemaker    Just4fun
Korch 5245 Andrina the Peacemaker Just4fun 14,490,264 9,181
Andrina the Peacemaker    Nottingham outlaws
Fel Dranghyr 7172 Andrina the Peacemaker Nottingham outlaws 5,911,500 3,270
Andrina the Peacemaker   
Arvahall 20399 Andrina the Peacemaker 66,545 114