11932 rank

987,784 points

239 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Throg    Strange Moos
Mount Killmore 9047 Throg Strange Moos 2,068,008 583
Throg    Quiet Lives
Dinegu 10565 Throg Quiet Lives 1,059,336 397
Throg    moos
Cirgard 11190 Throg moos 1,011,237 350
Throg    Baldheads
Brisgard 11932 Throg Baldheads 987,784 239
Throg    Moo 2
East-Nagach 11426 Throg Moo 2 685,939 218
Throg    Cows
Arvahall 14304 Throg Cows 639,199 259
Throg    Happy Cows
Greifental 11408 Throg Happy Cows 556,574 231
Throg    Worried Turnips
Jaims 11393 Throg Worried Turnips 540,295 194
Throg    Uber Nerds
Houndsmoor 12585 Throg Uber Nerds 519,951 201
Throg    Let there be Rock
Korch 11470 Throg Let there be Rock 505,688 184
Throg    Outraged Cows
Fel Dranghyr 11816 Throg Outraged Cows 494,967 237
Throg    Happy Cows
Langendorn 10954 Throg Happy Cows 476,450 204
Throg    Old Fruits
Sinerania 8847 Throg Old Fruits 342,831 179
Throg    Demonic Sprouts
Noarsil 12092 Throg Demonic Sprouts 313,382 150
Throg    Moo 3
Parkog 9455 Throg Moo 3 244,540 121
Throg    Shy Parrots
Odhrorvar 12455 Throg Shy Parrots 221,623 120