12373 rank

859,155 points

3,940 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Socrates the Great 823    oss
East-Nagach 10323 Socrates the Great 823 oss 1,216,904 3,172
Socrates the Great 823    Quest Stuff
Langendorn 9565 Socrates the Great 823 Quest Stuff 988,672 3,254
Socrates the Great 823    doggone
Arvahall 13443 Socrates the Great 823 doggone 918,253 3,609
Socrates the Great 823    Yip
Brisgard 12373 Socrates the Great 823 Yip 859,155 3,940
Socrates the Great 823    πŸ€πŸ€ No rules πŸ€πŸ€
Cirgard 11786 Socrates the Great 823 πŸ€πŸ€ No rules πŸ€πŸ€ 815,446 3,955
Socrates the Great 823    Persian Empire
Houndsmoor 11660 Socrates the Great 823 Persian Empire 804,877 3,626
Socrates the Great 823    Bialo-Czerwoni
Fel Dranghyr 10869 Socrates the Great 823 Bialo-Czerwoni 793,055 4,036
Socrates the Great 823    Aussie Thor’s
Mount Killmore 11309 Socrates the Great 823 Aussie Thor’s 769,606 3,350
Socrates the Great 823    Knights that say NI
Dinegu 11321 Socrates the Great 823 Knights that say NI 767,145 3,454
Socrates the Great 823    Avengers
Noarsil 10377 Socrates the Great 823 Avengers 752,199 2,850
Socrates the Great 823    Stone Cutters
Korch 10717 Socrates the Great 823 Stone Cutters 748,577 3,841
Socrates the Great 823    Peace
Odhrorvar 10158 Socrates the Great 823 Peace 721,332 3,213
Socrates the Great 823    Unknown guild
Jaims 10906 Socrates the Great 823 Unknown guild 709,569 3,514
Socrates the Great 823    Night Winners!
Greifental 10963 Socrates the Great 823 Night Winners! 709,063 3,616
Socrates the Great 823    fishnchips
Parkog 7806 Socrates the Great 823 fishnchips 643,105 2,852
Socrates the Great 823    The Dragon Lords
Rugnir 9026 Socrates the Great 823 The Dragon Lords 442,434 1,605