19792 rank

46,023 points

167 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
BubblyTree5301    صالح
East-Nagach 16618 BubblyTree5301 صالح 68,958 296
BubblyTree5301    dead penguins
Fel Dranghyr 16314 BubblyTree5301 dead penguins 67,193 191
BubblyTree5301    Kings
Sinerania 12194 BubblyTree5301 Kings 65,326 250
Cirgard 18038 BubblyTree5301 56,964 187
BubblyTree5301    Sisters Sedge
Noarsil 15733 BubblyTree5301 Sisters Sedge 56,046 250
BubblyTree5301    The Riders
Greifental 16381 BubblyTree5301 The Riders 54,066 259
BubblyTree5301    OUTLAWZ
Houndsmoor 17967 BubblyTree5301 OUTLAWZ 52,630 202
BubblyTree5301    Neighbors
Brisgard 19792 BubblyTree5301 Neighbors 46,023 167
Rugnir 13650 BubblyTree5301 44,462 209
Jaims 17937 BubblyTree5301 28,828 104