9364 rank

2,910,462 points

7,158 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
7-of-9    Pandoras gift
Greifental 5518 7-of-9 Pandoras gift 13,182,097 22,857
7-of-9    Joyous Guild
East-Nagach 5764 7-of-9 Joyous Guild 11,841,552 23,937
7-of-9    THE NOBLE WUNZ
Cirgard 6536 7-of-9 THE NOBLE WUNZ 9,123,526 13,921
7-of-9    Guild of Mistresses
Sinerania 3523 7-of-9 Guild of Mistresses 8,033,109 14,013
7-of-9    nop
Houndsmoor 7123 7-of-9 nop 7,636,718 16,308
7-of-9    Aurelius
Fel Dranghyr 6949 7-of-9 Aurelius 5,988,657 12,463
7-of-9    nop
Jaims 7872 7-of-9 nop 3,055,226 6,383
7-of-9    0x4E71
Brisgard 9364 7-of-9 0x4E71 2,910,462 7,158
7-of-9    Eternals
Tuulech 2935 7-of-9 Eternals 2,345,056 5,435