1645 rank

162,015,271 points

71,345 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bifter the Drifter    Ghost Lab 👻🍀
Langendorn 340 Bifter the Drifter Ghost Lab 👻🍀 667,835,091 150,963
Bifter the Drifter    🗡️ Excalibur 🗡️
Brisgard 1645 Bifter the Drifter 🗡️ Excalibur 🗡️ 162,015,271 71,345
Bifter the Drifter   
Greifental 2726 Bifter the Drifter 67,659,698 28,327
Bifter the Drifter   
Sinerania 1593 Bifter the Drifter 36,681,607 20,075