736 rank

546,423,267 points

74,406 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
xenophenthegreat    A S G A R D ⚔️
Houndsmoor 296 xenophenthegreat A S G A R D ⚔️ 1,207,123,382 209,222
xenophenthegreat    PP Recruiting
Brisgard 736 xenophenthegreat PP Recruiting 546,423,267 74,406
xenophenthegreat    CHILLAXED II
Arvahall 819 xenophenthegreat CHILLAXED II 497,412,889 63,738
xenophenthegreat    Order Of The Lance
Fel Dranghyr 815 xenophenthegreat Order Of The Lance 482,267,084 59,016
xenophenthegreat    ♛The Lion's Pride♛
Greifental 932 xenophenthegreat ♛The Lion's Pride♛ 404,808,746 51,480
xenophenthegreat    Casual Player
Cirgard 927 xenophenthegreat Casual Player 402,027,307 49,758
xenophenthegreat    RESURRECTED
East-Nagach 1095 xenophenthegreat RESURRECTED 353,086,980 42,401
xenophenthegreat    DoitYourWay
Dinegu 1060 xenophenthegreat DoitYourWay 345,956,160 41,178
xenophenthegreat    ☘️⚔Drunken Irish⚔️☘️
Jaims 4995 xenophenthegreat ☘️⚔Drunken Irish⚔️☘️ 17,526,128 8,808