17727 rank

100,703 points

350 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
loperjames    Empire77
Arvahall 15311 loperjames Empire77 467,543 707
loperjames    Order of the Dragon
Dinegu 13677 loperjames Order of the Dragon 267,208 679
loperjames    Alba
Greifental 13068 loperjames Alba 258,472 628
loperjames    Dobbytime
Korch 12975 loperjames Dobbytime 258,458 529
Noarsil 12820 loperjames IRISH DEFENCE FORCES 231,990 456
loperjames    Happy
Fel Dranghyr 14526 loperjames Happy 146,827 309
loperjames    maulana abdul aziz
Rugnir 11240 loperjames maulana abdul aziz 142,786 436
loperjames    The Brothahood
Mount Killmore 15649 loperjames The Brothahood 126,476 454
loperjames    The Unbeatable
Jaims 14570 loperjames The Unbeatable 124,357 510
loperjames    Diamond💎Digger’s
Parkog 10869 loperjames Diamond💎Digger’s 119,042 450
loperjames    i spartans
East-Nagach 15601 loperjames i spartans 108,661 403
loperjames    The Great Southland
Brisgard 17727 loperjames The Great Southland 100,703 350
loperjames    King of Good Times
Cirgard 16747 loperjames King of Good Times 97,503 430
Houndsmoor 16712 loperjames 86,771 430
loperjames    stamen
Odhrorvar 14436 loperjames stamen 86,735 442
loperjames    Ancients
Langendorn 14712 loperjames Ancients 82,579 361
loperjames    The celts
Tuulech 9991 loperjames The celts 37,036 89