13453 rank

545,619 points

51 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Isiss    Strolling Players
East-Nagach 11441 Isiss Strolling Players 703,594 18
Isiss    zion 420
Greifental 11077 Isiss zion 420 674,226 31
Jaims 11148 Isiss 630,300 14
Isiss    House Baratheon
Dinegu 11827 Isiss House Baratheon 622,520 21
Isiss    Partially Active
Fel Dranghyr 11482 Isiss Partially Active 593,172 23
Isiss    Neutral FIGHTERS
Arvahall 14655 Isiss Neutral FIGHTERS 588,759 24
Isiss    Stargate Command
Brisgard 13453 Isiss Stargate Command 545,619 51
Korch 11567 Isiss 504,626 14
Isiss    ~Diablo~
Cirgard 13020 Isiss ~Diablo~ 490,450 18
Isiss    Wildlings
Houndsmoor 12899 Isiss Wildlings 472,243 12
Isiss    The Renegades
Langendorn 11698 Isiss The Renegades 351,162 20
Isiss    Corrupted Vanguard
Mount Killmore 13336 Isiss Corrupted Vanguard 337,097 19
Isiss    Winter is coming
Noarsil 12201 Isiss Winter is coming 310,986 25
Isiss    Chilled
Odhrorvar 12169 Isiss Chilled 265,560 16