2976 rank

81,765,007 points

38,633 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
RobinFlowers    The Jolly Igor
Korch 1552 RobinFlowers The Jolly Igor 175,763,019 39,406
RobinFlowers    The White Rose
Dinegu 2035 RobinFlowers The White Rose 145,600,419 39,878
RobinFlowers    Corpus Hermeticum
Houndsmoor 2282 RobinFlowers Corpus Hermeticum 136,542,904 46,719
RobinFlowers    Knights of Honour
Fel Dranghyr 2437 RobinFlowers Knights of Honour 104,107,795 36,864
RobinFlowers    Streaking Warriors
Brisgard 2976 RobinFlowers Streaking Warriors 81,765,007 38,633
RobinFlowers    Dragoons
Jaims 3106 RobinFlowers Dragoons 56,182,370 40,544
RobinFlowers    Black Uhlans
Uceria 1995 RobinFlowers Black Uhlans 8,458,414 6,925