9405 rank

2,805,353 points

2,226 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
kazamundoo the wise   
Langendorn 3959 kazamundoo the wise 22,325,329 10,127
kazamundoo the wise   
Cirgard 6451 kazamundoo the wise 9,337,307 6,232
kazamundoo the wise   
Korch 6344 kazamundoo the wise 7,313,856 5,905
kazamundoo the wise   
Odhrorvar 5981 kazamundoo the wise 6,852,737 4,936
kazamundoo the wise   
Mount Killmore 6975 kazamundoo the wise 5,643,025 4,137
kazamundoo the wise   
Dinegu 7775 kazamundoo the wise 4,470,772 2,837
kazamundoo the wise   
Brisgard 9405 kazamundoo the wise 2,805,353 2,226
kazamundoo the wise   
Houndsmoor 9447 kazamundoo the wise 2,177,071 1,580