4469 rank

27,918,541 points

14,134 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Leo the Ravager 64meg    THE NEW HOPE
Arvahall 4444 Leo the Ravager 64meg THE NEW HOPE 32,744,603 14,096
Leo the Ravager 64meg    Pulp Fiction
Brisgard 4469 Leo the Ravager 64meg Pulp Fiction 27,918,541 14,134
Leo the Ravager 64meg    Wolf Pack
East-Nagach 10370 Leo the Ravager 64meg Wolf Pack 1,088,279 979
Leo the Ravager 64meg    Dumbledore's Army
Langendorn 18390 Leo the Ravager 64meg Dumbledore's Army 22,154 56