13248 rank

562,152 points

759 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cassander the Dire 134    Invicta
Fel Dranghyr 8767 Cassander the Dire 134 Invicta 2,241,291 1,400
Cassander the Dire 134    Vae Victis
Cirgard 9598 Cassander the Dire 134 Vae Victis 2,115,694 1,793
Cassander the Dire 134   
East-Nagach 10563 Cassander the Dire 134 1,032,289 1,382
Cassander the Dire 134   
Odhrorvar 10541 Cassander the Dire 134 579,688 790
Cassander the Dire 134   
Brisgard 13248 Cassander the Dire 134 562,152 759