1425 rank

250,695,084 points

78,993 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Charles the Cunning 102    Dragons Lair
Noarsil 1149 Charles the Cunning 102 Dragons Lair 268,900,491 101,329
Charles the Cunning 102    The Front Line
Brisgard 1425 Charles the Cunning 102 The Front Line 250,695,084 78,993
Charles the Cunning 102    sleeper cell
Odhrorvar 1335 Charles the Cunning 102 sleeper cell 199,160,671 65,948
Charles the Cunning 102    Exile
Greifental 1601 Charles the Cunning 102 Exile 199,024,254 55,319
Charles the Cunning 102    Radical Elites ⚔️
Korch 1418 Charles the Cunning 102 Radical Elites ⚔️ 198,860,447 55,504
Charles the Cunning 102    TERRAFORMERS
Jaims 1515 Charles the Cunning 102 TERRAFORMERS 185,257,855 52,339