6056 rank

14,781,620 points

6,707 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Humwawa    Titans
Tuulech 7 Humwawa Titans 2,314,082,734 464,409
Humwawa    Free-For-All
Rugnir 491 Humwawa Free-For-All 333,000,426 102,775
Humwawa    Guardians of the
Odhrorvar 2688 Humwawa Guardians of the 59,554,327 30,261
Humwawa    King James
Parkog 1747 Humwawa King James 52,002,749 77,363
Humwawa    ZeroGravitY 💫
Uceria 674 Humwawa ZeroGravitY 💫 43,030,177 67,317
Humwawa    The Uprising
Dinegu 4802 Humwawa The Uprising 22,625,400 12,356
Humwawa    Vesikuura (EST)
Greifental 4728 Humwawa Vesikuura (EST) 22,039,344 14,679
Humwawa    Estland Farms
Arvahall 5941 Humwawa Estland Farms 19,501,913 18,013
Humwawa    lord of the rings
East-Nagach 5453 Humwawa lord of the rings 15,311,904 11,095
Humwawa    Alba the Braw
Sinerania 2925 Humwawa Alba the Braw 15,049,128 6,071
Humwawa    S.H.I.E.L.D
Jaims 5137 Humwawa S.H.I.E.L.D 14,985,183 5,605
Humwawa    Wolf Traders Freedom
Brisgard 6056 Humwawa Wolf Traders Freedom 14,781,620 6,707
Humwawa    Absolute Zero Drama
Noarsil 5689 Humwawa Absolute Zero Drama 10,561,862 2,907
Humwawa    HOAX
Fel Dranghyr 6101 Humwawa HOAX 10,247,586 3,120
Humwawa    White Star
Cirgard 6696 Humwawa White Star 9,332,828 3,885
Humwawa    😁 Just4Fun 😁
Mount Killmore 6672 Humwawa 😁 Just4Fun 😁 7,200,885 3,167
Humwawa    EVOLUTION
Korch 6623 Humwawa EVOLUTION 6,730,637 2,878
Humwawa    Ursus Syndicate
Langendorn 6297 Humwawa Ursus Syndicate 6,685,272 2,848
Humwawa    Mikey Mouse
Houndsmoor 7664 Humwawa Mikey Mouse 6,436,106 2,894