21845 rank

20,381 points

60 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Zoe the Lion 267    ! NO MERCY !
Greifental 4366 Zoe the Lion 267 ! NO MERCY ! 27,704,167 26,688
Zoe the Lion 267    Freedom Fighters ✌
Odhrorvar 3874 Zoe the Lion 267 Freedom Fighters ✌ 26,345,672 54,130
Zoe the Lion 267    The Phoenix
Jaims 7777 Zoe the Lion 267 The Phoenix 3,534,338 6,505
Zoe the Lion 267    The Cat Herders
Dinegu 12890 Zoe the Lion 267 The Cat Herders 370,171 2,439
Zoe the Lion 267   
Langendorn 12424 Zoe the Lion 267 246,765 1,523
Zoe the Lion 267    Merlin's Shield
Arvahall 22101 Zoe the Lion 267 Merlin's Shield 37,262 75
Zoe the Lion 267    NO RULES HERE
Brisgard 21845 Zoe the Lion 267 NO RULES HERE 20,381 60