12281 rank

832,317 points

830 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Heraclius the Hawk 404    Maximus
Brisgard 12281 Heraclius the Hawk 404 Maximus 832,317 830
Heraclius the Hawk 404    Cold steel
Dinegu 13251 Heraclius the Hawk 404 Cold steel 319,978 298
Heraclius the Hawk 404    No surrender
Greifental 13806 Heraclius the Hawk 404 No surrender 180,428 352
Heraclius the Hawk 404    Lets Go
Mount Killmore 15156 Heraclius the Hawk 404 Lets Go 159,560 165
Heraclius the Hawk 404    Icthus
Fel Dranghyr 14792 Heraclius the Hawk 404 Icthus 133,142 225
Heraclius the Hawk 404    Knights Ending
Langendorn 13745 Heraclius the Hawk 404 Knights Ending 131,389 249
Heraclius the Hawk 404   
Arvahall 18815 Heraclius the Hawk 404 124,824 230
Heraclius the Hawk 404    australian
East-Nagach 15642 Heraclius the Hawk 404 australian 108,293 112
Heraclius the Hawk 404   
Houndsmoor 16376 Heraclius the Hawk 404 105,158 237
Heraclius the Hawk 404    GLH
Jaims 15998 Heraclius the Hawk 404 GLH 70,004 179