12793 rank

685,673 points

575 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
GreatDragon man   
Brisgard 12793 GreatDragon man 685,673 575
GreatDragon man    PROMETHEUS X
Arvahall 14465 GreatDragon man PROMETHEUS X 609,262 668
GreatDragon man    Tolpuddle Rebels
Cirgard 12454 GreatDragon man Tolpuddle Rebels 608,701 494
GreatDragon man    Wolf Moon
Houndsmoor 12366 GreatDragon man Wolf Moon 570,659 427
GreatDragon man    We were Warriors
Mount Killmore 12091 GreatDragon man We were Warriors 548,684 376
GreatDragon man    The Nobles
East-Nagach 12198 GreatDragon man The Nobles 487,422 440
GreatDragon man   
Dinegu 12261 GreatDragon man 487,160 386