1184 rank

315,040,710 points

205,555 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
..Lord of Destruction..    VICTORES⚔️EQUESTRES
Houndsmoor 73 ..Lord of Destruction.. VICTORES⚔️EQUESTRES 2,822,190,972 757,719
..Lord of Destruction..    LoD
Brisgard 1184 ..Lord of Destruction.. LoD 315,040,710 205,555
..Lord of Destruction..    LoD
Arvahall 2297 ..Lord of Destruction.. LoD 141,048,405 80,700
..Lord of Destruction..    LoD
Fel Dranghyr 2149 ..Lord of Destruction.. LoD 128,287,820 71,098
..Lord of Destruction..    Obersalzberg
Noarsil 2452 ..Lord of Destruction.. Obersalzberg 90,400,715 48,706
..Lord of Destruction..    w00t
Rugnir 1539 ..Lord of Destruction.. w00t 86,116,716 50,591
..Lord of Destruction..    LoD
East-Nagach 2736 ..Lord of Destruction.. LoD 85,231,706 50,119
..Lord of Destruction..    LoD
Greifental 2848 ..Lord of Destruction.. LoD 76,658,833 47,315
..Lord of Destruction..    LoD
Langendorn 2498 ..Lord of Destruction.. LoD 76,115,904 44,508
..Lord of Destruction..    LoD
Dinegu 3285 ..Lord of Destruction.. LoD 64,095,002 33,808
..Lord of Destruction..    LoD
Mount Killmore 2930 ..Lord of Destruction.. LoD 62,093,171 36,128
..Lord of Destruction..    Diamond Camp
Odhrorvar 2915 ..Lord of Destruction.. Diamond Camp 55,231,446 31,131
..Lord of Destruction..    Diamond World
Korch 3154 ..Lord of Destruction.. Diamond World 54,567,844 27,070
..Lord of Destruction..    LoD
Jaims 3221 ..Lord of Destruction.. LoD 52,931,666 27,818
..Lord of Destruction..   
Cirgard 3842 ..Lord of Destruction.. 44,019,061 18,361
..Lord of Destruction..    Chaser
Parkog 2216 ..Lord of Destruction.. Chaser 36,827,862 16,272
..Lord of Destruction..    DAEPD
Sinerania 2863 ..Lord of Destruction.. DAEPD 17,887,377 5,155
..Lord of Destruction..    LOST & FOUND 🔞
Uceria 1494 ..Lord of Destruction.. LOST & FOUND 🔞 16,076,565 5,994