14750 rank

311,401 points

1,024 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
JoeFluxman    Hmmmm
Tuulech 3133 JoeFluxman Hmmmm 3,101,191 2,048
JoeFluxman    Wolf Traders Freedom
Brisgard 14750 JoeFluxman Wolf Traders Freedom 311,401 1,024
JoeFluxman    Winterfell
Cirgard 14049 JoeFluxman Winterfell 308,292 2,645
JoeFluxman    The CL Lion's
Greifental 12673 JoeFluxman The CL Lion's 297,992 1,061
JoeFluxman    Thor's Hammers
Dinegu 13751 JoeFluxman Thor's Hammers 255,121 1,034