13614 rank

481,484 points

624 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Fear the Dark   
Houndsmoor 9298 Fear the Dark 2,509,666 3,372
Fear the Dark    The Hounds of Hell
Dinegu 9274 Fear the Dark The Hounds of Hell 2,058,491 2,594
Fear the Dark   
Arvahall 14204 Fear the Dark 663,500 900
Fear the Dark    picnic
Brisgard 13614 Fear the Dark picnic 481,484 624
Fear the Dark    1llionaire
Greifental 12070 Fear the Dark 1llionaire 403,422 562
Fear the Dark    Venom Stags
Jaims 13857 Fear the Dark Venom Stags 186,881 538
Fear the Dark    No Strings Attached
Korch 14243 Fear the Dark No Strings Attached 143,885 442
Fear the Dark   
Cirgard 15996 Fear the Dark 134,791 408
Fear the Dark   
Langendorn 15242 Fear the Dark 66,336 231
Fear the Dark    Good Vibes
Mount Killmore 18363 Fear the Dark Good Vibes 45,488 181