12376 rank

816,977 points

1,022 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
juris999    B.O.B bandofbrothers
Arvahall 12556 juris999 B.O.B bandofbrothers 1,247,443 1,294
juris999    The Worlds Greatest
Brisgard 12376 juris999 The Worlds Greatest 816,977 1,022
Dinegu 11851 juris999 584,117 770
juris999    beyblades
Greifental 12571 juris999 beyblades 311,198 475
juris999    FireArms
Houndsmoor 14341 juris999 FireArms 237,923 747
juris999    Vamps
East-Nagach 14837 juris999 Vamps 147,311 288
juris999    jousting jesters
Fel Dranghyr 14525 juris999 jousting jesters 139,306 252
juris999    Just A Few of Us
Mount Killmore 15925 juris999 Just A Few of Us 111,931 264
Jaims 15520 juris999 78,119 237