1869 rank

176,156,394 points

108,664 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Leopold the Hawk 665    ⚔️Valhalla Rising⚔️
Sinerania 84 Leopold the Hawk 665 ⚔️Valhalla Rising⚔️ 1,300,405,745 355,928
Leopold the Hawk 665    Kamikaze Penguins
Brisgard 1869 Leopold the Hawk 665 Kamikaze Penguins 176,156,394 108,664
Leopold the Hawk 665    Gray Wolves
Tuulech 427 Leopold the Hawk 665 Gray Wolves 140,153,127 78,156
Leopold the Hawk 665    The Fyrd
Cirgard 3937 Leopold the Hawk 665 The Fyrd 41,407,328 88,660
Leopold the Hawk 665    💎Gray Wolves💎
Odhrorvar 4398 Leopold the Hawk 665 💎Gray Wolves💎 19,869,126 15,596