17656 rank

100,853 points

103 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Brisgard 17656 bfckarlos 100,853 103
bfckarlos    Builders of Worlds
Cirgard 16892 bfckarlos Builders of Worlds 89,712 231
bfckarlos    cro
Greifental 15375 bfckarlos cro 83,203 183
bfckarlos    Han Solo
Korch 15263 bfckarlos Han Solo 82,297 103
bfckarlos    House of Wax
Langendorn 15442 bfckarlos House of Wax 58,510 136
bfckarlos    The Ancients
Mount Killmore 18829 bfckarlos The Ancients 36,075 88