18836 rank

64,981 points

343 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
laepng    TheNewAge
Brisgard 18836 laepng TheNewAge 64,981 343
laepng    Craft Beer Crew
Jaims 16157 laepng Craft Beer Crew 60,635 250
laepng    The Divine
Rugnir 13155 laepng The Divine 54,561 259
Korch 16426 laepng 49,948 204
laepng    Warwick castle
Mount Killmore 18046 laepng Warwick castle 48,204 206
laepng    Great White North
Arvahall 21475 laepng Great White North 46,678 238
laepng    El Cordobes
East-Nagach 18780 laepng El Cordobes 27,390 236
laepng    The Alchemist
Noarsil 18005 laepng The Alchemist 20,290 222